Internationalisation contributes to the quality of VET. Foreign learning and working experiences have a positive effect on the employability and personal development of graduates. They improve skills such as problem-solving ability and entrepreneurship and contribute to students' cultural knowledge of the country.
For VET teachers, a study or work placement abroad can also contribute to personal and professional enrichment, which ultimately benefits their daily teaching practice. All good reasons for MBO Raad [ Netherlands Association of Vocational Education and Training Colleges ] to promote internationalisation in VET.
MBO Raad and Europe
MBO Raad strengthens the voice of vocational education in Brussels in various ways. By working together, vocational education can contribute to a labour market with high-skilled employees and help achieve European objectives.
EUproVET and VET4EU2
Under the name ‘European Providers of Vocational Education and Training’ (EUproVET), MBO Raad contributes to strengthening the voice of vocational education in the EU. This partnership includes other educational associations from the United Kingdom, France, Finland, Slovenia and Ireland.
In addition, the four associations from vocational education (EUproVET, EfVET, EVTA and EVBB) and two associations from higher education (EURASHE and EUCEN) work together under the flag of VET4EU2. The organisation has since acquired the status of expert group with the mission to advise the Commission in defining policy priorities and implementing them at local level. Moreover VET4EU2 provides stakeholders' feedback and facilitates cooperation and exchanges among stakeholders. This representative association enables MBO Raad to represent the interests of Dutch vocational education on a high level at the European Commission.
It is the ambition of Nuffic that every student should leave education with international competences. They do this by supporting VET schools in the development of internationalisation policy and activities; e.g. supporting mobility for students and teachers, International at Home and other types of international cooperation. Nuffic works closely together with MBO Raad to promote internationalisation of VET. From 1 January 2021, the National Agency for Erasmus+ will be part of Nuffic.
Neth-ER (Netherlands House for Education and Research) represents a wide area of Dutch education and research in Brussels. The organisation strives to make Dutch interests known in Brussels and to influence the policy-making process where possible. Conversely, Neth-ER helps to show the strengths of Dutch vocational education to the European Commission.